Biomechanical Assessments

A Biomechanical Assessment investigates how the bones, muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments in your feet, ankles and legs interact and move, to identify the underlying cause of lower limb pain. 

What happens during a Biomechanical Assessment?

A Biomechanical Assessment consists of a range of non-invasive, pain free tasks including: 

When is a Biomechanical Assessment required?

A Biomechanical Assessment may be required to identify the underlying cause of leg, foot, and ankle pain. By understanding the movement, structure, and mechanics of your lower limbs, your Podiatrist can identify the best treatment plan to reduce symptoms and prevent recurrence. Some examples include:

The detailed information obtained from the Biomechanical Assessment may also be used to create prescription orthotics (shoe inserts) that can correct alignment, reduce load on soft tissues or joints, increase mobility, reduce pain, reduce the development of corns and callus, and reduce pressure on foot ulceration.

Have more questions? Contact our team.