Our team offers a variety of services from general treatments, through to orthotics, Diabetes management and SWIFT Microwave Wart Therapy. Following a comprehensive assessment, an individualised treatment plan is created to suit your needs so you can achieve optimal foot health.
Management of skin and nail conditions including ingrown, fungal, and thickened toenails, soft/hard corns, callus, cracked heels and fissures, and plantar warts (verrucae plantaris).
Medical grade devices inserted into footwear to prevent and treat various soft tissue conditions. We offer both prescription (custom-made) and prefabricated orthotics to fit your specific needs.
An in-depth assessment that examines the way your lower limbs move through the gait cycle (walking) and identifies abnormalities and possible causes of pain. Results obtained are used to identify best treatment options.
A fast, precise, and effective treatment for warts including plantar warts. SWIFT is an ideal treatment for stubborn warts on your feet, lower legs, lower arms, and hands.
Patients with Diabetes are at a high risk of Peripheral Neuropathy (reduced sensation) and Peripheral Vascular Disease (reduced blood flow) to their legs and feet. Regular Neurovascular Assessments are recommended for individuals with, or at risk of, Diabetes.
Our team can diagnose and treat various sports injuries including soft tissue damage, overuse injuries, blister prevention and management, Plantar Fasciitis, heels spurs, forefoot pain, stress fractures, tendinopathies, shin splints, and growing pains.
Children commonly experience foot, heel, ankle, knee, and other lower limb pain. We can help manage various childhood conditions including flat feet, arch pain, heel pain, ankle, knee or hip pain, ankle instability, toe-walking, hypermobility, curly/overlapping toes, ingrown toenails, and warts.